Minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting
held on 4th March 2011
An Extraordinary General Meeting of the Social Sailing Fleet took place in the Members’ Bar at HISC at 12 noon, chaired by Mike Baker. There were 38 members present.
Mike opened the meeting by expressing everyone’s sadness at the untimely death of Doreen Bennett. This was followed by a minute of silence. Then he explained that the purpose of the meeting was to discuss the selection of a new Fleet Captain.
.Apologies had been received from Jane & Barry Blaydes, Valerie & Geoff Coop, Jane Hooper, Tony & Hazel Mills, Anthony & Sheila Penfold, Adele Rizzi and Trevor Rose.
Following the e-mail which had been circulated prior to the meeting, Paul Cook suggested that, rather than a secret ballot, the candidates could be asked to leave the room while a vote was taken, and this idea was generally approved.
Mike Baker announced that Richard Smith had offered to fill the post and his nomination was proposed by Paul Cook and seconded by Barbara Glasby. The members were then asked if any other candidates were proposed, but there was none. The assembly was asked to approve the appointment of Richard Smith as Fleet Captain, and the appointment was accepted unanimously.
Mike Baker then asked Richard to take over the meeting.
Richard expressed his thanks for everyone’s support at this, the first function since Doreen’s passing. He pointed out that she was irreplaceable, but said he hoped to continue to run the Social Sailing Group in the way which she would have approved, and in the same spirit. Then he asked the company to raise their glasses and he proposed the toast “Doreen and Fancy”.
To hold to Doreen’s tradition of announcing the next event at the end of meetings he pointed out that the Spring General Meeting would take place at the Club on Friday, 1st. April, commencing at 11.00 am He asked for members to submit any items for the Agenda to Barbara Beck.
As there were no further matters to discuss the meeting closed at 12.20 p.m.