Minutes of Annual General Meeting held at HISC on Friday 1st  November 2013

PRESENT: Richard Smith (RS, chairman) and 32 other  members.

1 WELCOME:   RS thanked everyone for coming. 

2 APOLOGIES: Cathy Rayner (CR) Treasurer, Pat Bovis, Delia & Allan Clarke, Paul & Belinda Cook, Catherine & Bill Dodds, Peter & Judy Lockwood, Adele Rizzi and Trevor & Monica Rose.  

3 MINUTES of AGM on 12th  October 2012    Point of Accuracy:  Richard Pratt (RP) drew attention to the fact that in discussions about the Hamble event it had been said that there was no restaurant at Mercury Marina.  This is incorrect he has himself used Waters Edge Bar/ & Restaurant.   

ACTIONS:    Members Lists: RS ruled that people requiring lifts should contact co-ordinators BEFORE the event to ask for help finding lifts.  Lyn Smith (LS) felt that this had worked quite well this year.  Mike Baker (MB) pointed out that many skippers would be happy to give lifts, where possible, if only they were asked.  It was agreed that nothing more formal need be arranged. 

Statistics: Co-ordinators were asked to report number of attendees for their events, but Jane Blaydes (JB) had done a splendid job of reporting on the web site.  RS apologized for not reporting numbers to Chris Gordon.

Bed & Breakfast:  It was generally felt that people should seek their own accommodation since price and quality are a personal consideration.  MB pointed out that Tracy Cooper at Yarmouth would be delighted to help.

Radio Contact: Most people were happy to call on Channel 16 and nominate a working channel.  Although a radio check before leaving could be helpful it was felt that co-ordinators need only be contacted if boats which had booked decided not to attend.  Use of Chanel 37 was suggested but Pam Marrs (PM) pointed out that this channel is for race management, and it is likely, in the future, that Selene will be called on Channel 8 as she is designated "a ferry". John Cook (JCk) reported that he had been reprimanded for using 37 at Cowes.

Responsibility for calls rests with the skippper, and it was generally felt that calling on 16 and going to 77 (as suggested by Gil Carter (GC),in his absence) was acceptable.  This was proposed by JCk and seconded by Ray Stewart (RSt).  The members voted in favour.

4 TREASURER’S REPORT & FLEET ACCOUNTS for 12 months to 30th September 2013

In Cathy Rayner's (CyR) absence the accounts were presented by the Fleet Captain:       





Opening Bank and Cash Balances as at 01/10/12












Subscriptions ref. 2013 season 




Flag Sales












General Admin




Start of Season Celebration




Pre drinks for Soc Sailing Dinner




Itchenor Ferry Costs 




Fares paid to Itchenor Ferry 




Cards, Gifts, Flowers & Dons




Brading Haven "no show" meals




Deposits paid to:




      Lymington Hr Commissioners




     Royal Southampton YC




Deposit returned from above








Closing Bank and Cash balances as at 30/09/13   








Fleet Assets 30/09/13     




Bank Balance  




Petty Cash




Stock of Flags at cost








Report          Our cash position remains healthy.
                        Bank and cash balances have increased from £495.71 to £698.25.

Points of note are as follows: 1.  Subscriptions, and therefore the number of paid members, is static.  Subscriptions received amount to £5 less than last year, but a few subs for the year appear to be outstanding at this time.  2.  Flag sales are reduced considerably from last year, but we may wish to re order yacht flags during the coming year.  We have only one yacht flag in stock.  3.  If income from flag sales is deleted from our income, then our subscriptions less total expenditure gives us a surplus of approx. £60.  This is roughly in line with last year.  Perhaps discussion points are "cost of social occasions" and "no show meals".  the latter in included in my report later.  4.  Our decision at this remains as to whether we retain our £5 per member subscription.  In view of the above, and the possible danger always of deposit losses, it would seem prudent to continue with our £5 subscription.

Discussion followed and it was agreed that decisions regarding further social celebrations should be left for the Fleet Captain to agree.

RS pointed out tht we have only one yacht flag left and he agreed to talk to Hampshire Flags about purchasing another £400.00 worth of flags.  This was agreed on a show of hands.

A suggestion was made that the subs be increased and this was discussed in Any Other Business.

5  FLEET CAPTAIN'S REPORT  Ladies and Gentlemen, once again, may I wish you all a very warm welcome to our AGM. Thanks for coming and let’s look back on 2013, and forward to the forthcoming delights of 2014.

Since our last AGM Judy and Mike Cave have lived through the tragedy of losing their daughter, Simone. Most of us cannot imagine how hard such a loss must be to bear. We hope very sincerely that we will see more of Judy and Mike sailing with us during 2014.

In  January of this year John Bovis died. John was one of our most expert sailors. Those who had sailed with him in dinghies or “anything” spoke of his love of just sailing, and his absolute determination to go as fast as possible, and certainly faster than the next man (or woman!). John had an enviable record of sailing successes; he was always so helpful in all matters of sailing and club activities, and he was of course so modest at all times. We miss him enormously. Pat battles on and life has thrown a lot of troubles her way, but she’s kept going, of course, and we’ve seen a good bit of her and she’s even been sailing on Proud Moment;  that was very brave, and well done Pat.

Peter Cutbill died suddenly last year, and Pat and her family have had to come to terms with such an unexpected loss. We’ve seen Pat around lots, and hope to see even more of her over the next year.

We are, I believe, a very supportive group when illness or difficulties strike. Whether it be long term illness, or a recent operation, or maybe a bit of old age, we all send good wishes and aim to help when we can.

We are delighted to welcome new members to our fleet. It’s so important that we get a bit of new blood, and we’re so pleased to see John Bailey with his boat, Steorra, Ian Grant, Sue and Gary Gwinnell-Smith,  Paul Young, with his boat, Gundog, and Terry McMahon, crewing for Paul. We give you all a very sincere and warm welcome.

Our summer programme is of course dominated by weather, good and bad. This year we started a little badly, hit a decidedly bad patch during May when we were going to Bembridge, but from then on it was a pretty good summer and nothing was cancelled or wrecked by bad weather. Wonderful---we all enjoyed the sailing and the company and the weather, and the turn out of boats and people probably hit record levels for our Social Sailing Fleet. That’s just great, and very healthy for our future.

The details of our exploits during the year are brilliantly logged down on our website by Jane, and it’s not necessary I think to repeat that detail here now. I would like to highlight a few aspects which seem important:

Finally---my thanks. Again it’s a repeat. I’ve said it before, but it’s very important.

6 DISCUSSIONS WITH THE CRUISING COMMITTEE/MARINE DEPT   Unfortunately, the Marine Manager, Mitch was unable to attend the meeting. 

There were very few problems with the ferry. Service had been excellent.  LS pointed out that having the ferry available throughout July & August would be helpful. Gary Gledhill (GG) said this had been discussed at the last Cruising Committee meeting and had been rejected, but it will be raised again.  RS suggested that a system used at Parkstone Club could be employed, i..e. running the ferry at three set times during the day in the high season.  It was generally agreed that £5 per boat trip, regardless of how many people were in the boat, was not expensive.

RSt, who keeps his boat in Langstone Harbour, said from an outside point of view dinghies seemed to have plenty of ribs available to them and were not charged.  MD pointed out that two Trustees are in the Social Sailing group and should represent us on the General Committee.  MB said he and others were worried about the treatment of cruisers members.  RS referred to his Report in which he emphasised that the cruising voice is not heard at General Committee, and MB said all cruiser owners must vote to get full representation. 

Judy Cave (JC) asked that the Marine Department be thanked for their help throughout the season and this was agreed by RS.

7  FINALIZE WINTER PROGRAMME 2013/2014 RS reminded everyone that lunches take place at HISC on the 1st Friday in the month, with the exception of January when it will be Friday 10th.  A full list is on the website.

JC will write to Emsworth Club to arrange for a lunch there.  They prefer to receive us on a Monday.  JC will inform JB when a date has been arranged.  Trevor Rose will be asked to arrange a date for a visit to CYC, in February, probably a Thursday.

PM asked why we never visit Bosham, and MD said the club would like us to go there.  JC asked why not try a winter visit?

MB reminded everyone about the Fayre on December 8th and asked for donations of sailing equipment etc to raise money for the Thursday Club.

8  FINALIZE SAILING PROGRAMME FOR 2014 Copies of the programme were handed round. MIKE TONG (MT) expressed disappointment that the Social Sailing Week had been moved from September, as discussed at the previous meeting, as this left a gap at mid-summer for a longer trip.  However, RS said that the shorter evenings in September were against this and the Solos and others preferred the earlier date.

GC proposed that the programme be accepted as it stands and this was seconded by Rosemary Gledhill (RG).  A majority of those present voted in favour. 

MB asked if the dates are firm, but these need to be confirmed.


a) The website  JB confirmed that payment  of £19.98 for two years is now due.  She announced that the current website may well have to change in operation, but the alternatives were, at present, uncertain.  RS stated that any further discussions ref website development should occur outside this meeting.  RG proposed that we accept this change, this was seconded by GC and passed by those present.

b) Emails   JB requested that co-ordinators acknowledge emails making bookings so that skippers will be certain that they have been included in the numbers. 

c) TD suggested that if RS hopes to attract more young members to join us the AGM should be held at a weekend.  It was pointed out that all our sailing is carried out during the week, so if one could not attend the meeting they would not be able to sail in the week either.  LS suggested that Social Sailing should hold a small reception in the gap between the Cruiser meeting and the dinner.

d) Logs  GG pointed out that this year, as Nick Danby was a competitor, he had been designated a judge.  He had enjoyed reading the logs and hoped members would read them and hopefully take part next year.  This year three members had submitted logs, PM, JB and Jan & Peter Wareham. Sheila Penfold's is not on the website as she will be talking at the next GODS meeting on 14th November. 

e)  Battle Flags  John Beck (JBk)  said that he had been against the idea of a flag since they usually looked so insipid, but having seem them at Lymington and elsewhere he feels they look great.  BG asked that this comment be passed on to Iris Long whose idea it was and who contributed to the purchase.

 f) Subscriptions Discussion took place as to whether the subs should remain at £5 or be increased to £10.00.  There is approx. £700.00 in the kitty but £400.00 of this will possibly be spent on flags.  Therefore, JCk proposed that the subs be raised to £10.00 per person for one year only.  RSt seconded this proposal and the motion was carried on a show of hands.  The monies will become due in January.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 12.30 p.m. and members adjourned for lunch. 



AGM 2013